

A name is to be given to an attitude that does not cavort politically or philosophically on the spectral shores of left or right-wing interests, and which is also standing at a distance, with a quiet smile, from the hustle and bustle of the centre stream. Touched by the pathos of distance, she sees herself …

This will be the first in a series covering the victorian age thinker and proto-social scientist Herbert Spencer. Introduction Every so often a philosopher emerges who has a long-lasting effect on the ideas and concepts of experts and common people alike.  Herbert Spencer is one of those rare individuals who contributed groundbreaking ideas during his …

The Aztec religion was characterized by a dualistic view of the world. The universe is divided horizontally into three large areas: the Underworld (Chicnauhmictlan), the Earth (Tlaltícpac), and the realm of the heavens (Chicnauhtopan). The upper heavens are the abodes of the gods, and the lower heavens contain the stars. The earth was imagined as …

Philippe Bénéton, a French political philosopher, offers a profound exploration of political regimes in his seminal work, Les Régimes Politiques. This text delves into the nature, structure, and implications of different forms of government, providing a comprehensive, historically grounded, and philosophically rich analysis. Bénéton’s approach is deeply influenced by classical political theory, particularly the works …

Baron Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (1646-1716) was a remarkable man. During his life, he made seminal contributions to a wide variety of fields of study, including mathematics, physics, technology, philosophy, theology, philology, politics, library science, and others. Alongside Sir Isaac Newton, he is credited with the invention of calculus, in addition to statistics and binary …

Introduction The Greek polis and the Roman civitas represent some of the most distinctive forms of political and social organization in history. Yet, they are often misunderstood when examined through the lens of the modern state. Modern conceptions of the state—centralized, bureaucratic, and sovereign—emerged from the intellectual revolutions of the Renaissance and Enlightenment. Thinkers like …

Max Weber's analysis of capitalism has long been celebrated for its depth and insight, but one of his most striking and underexplored assertions concerns the profound Christian origins of capitalism. Weber argued that these Christian foundations were not merely incidental to capitalism's rise but central to its structure, functioning, and ethical constraints. His recognition of …