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Duncan Reyburn

Duncan Reyburn

Duncan Reyburn

So much in the world is there to convince us, if only implicitly, that we are not responsible. Recently, I started looking at the messaging behind many of the basic things and activities in everyday life with this question in mind: In what way does this specific thing make me responsible or irresponsible? The alarming …

Progressive modernity says that reality is a dead thing and that what we do is to project our feelings and notions onto it merely. How thrilling it may seem to become like gods, making good and evil for ourselves. You can be whatever you want to be, and the world can be whatever you make …

“Without genuine, deep inwardness, we cannot take a stand against the inauthenticity of the world. Fighting noise with more noise will not do. In doing so, inevitably, the crowd becomes the measure, just as political chatter so easily becomes the content of our thinking.”

Kaldi saw that his goats would all gravitate towards a kind of cherry tree and that, after eating its berries, the goats would be noticeably more energetic. Kaldi tried the cherries himself, and he felt just heck-gosh-darn-it marvelous. Poetry flowed out of him, and his eyes widened to a world of wonders in a new …

We’re not living in the past but in the present, in the so-called metamodern world with its largely nihilistic sensibilities. This means our view of what happened long ago is filtered through our enwired and enworlded existence. To be properly traditional, I would say, requires seeing tradition less as something that happened, evident by some …

The point of simulacral terminology is not to clarify but to mystify. Its aim is mythification, not demythologization. The story of Abraham on the verge of murdering his son, on the other hand, is a story of demythologization. Through his experience, the virtual understanding of God is replaced by something more actual and more livable. Something …

A man staring at rows of windows

So now we live in an aperspectival panopticon. There is no Benthamian authority watching us. There is no Big Brother. There is just us. Even big tech is just another name for the democratization of totalitarianism. Surveillance isn’t conducted from a lofty central point but from everywhere, through your eyes and mine. We’re alone, each …

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