

Baron Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (1646-1716) was a remarkable man. During his life, he made seminal contributions to a wide variety of fields of study, including mathematics, physics, technology, philosophy, theology, philology, politics, library science, and others. Alongside Sir Isaac Newton, he is credited with the invention of calculus, in addition to statistics and binary …

Claude Lefort and Pierre Manent offer contrasting yet complementary views on “the political form.” Lefort emphasizes the openness and indeterminacy of democracy, arguing that a healthy political form requires constant contestation and pluralism. Manent, by contrast, stresses the importance of stable political structures, particularly the nation-state, as essential for preserving a shared moral order and …

Kaldi saw that his goats would all gravitate towards a kind of cherry tree and that, after eating its berries, the goats would be noticeably more energetic. Kaldi tried the cherries himself, and he felt just heck-gosh-darn-it marvelous. Poetry flowed out of him, and his eyes widened to a world of wonders in a new …