

And just as Josef K. will be unable to make any sense of his own arrest, which is to say, of his own life, so too we are unable to make sense of our own, insofar as we are in the same situation as K. himself. In reading the account of K.’s ordeal, we await …

Water flows; its flow can be used to generate electricity. What can a philosopher’s thoughts generate? A longstanding answer from the classical tradition is that philosophy is an intimate part of the good life, having something to do with generating order in the human soul and in the political community.

Habermas, on the other hand, talks more about procedural popular sovereignty. The difference with Arendt lies in his understanding of autonomy. Whereas Arendt, like Carl Schmitt, identifies political autonomy with a specific public space in which citizens confront each other face to face, for Habermas, Kelsen, and Luhmann autonomy is a characteristic of a specific …

Kaldi saw that his goats would all gravitate towards a kind of cherry tree and that, after eating its berries, the goats would be noticeably more energetic. Kaldi tried the cherries himself, and he felt just heck-gosh-darn-it marvelous. Poetry flowed out of him, and his eyes widened to a world of wonders in a new …

students gathered outdoors

During the Medieval period in which they were first organized, the universities such as Oxford operated as kingdoms unto themselves, the intellectual work associated with the vita contemplativa occurring in isolation behind cloistered walls that exempted the monkish scholars from the practical exigencies of the town’s daily life.