

This will be the first in a series covering the victorian age thinker and proto-social scientist Herbert Spencer. Introduction Every so often a philosopher emerges who has a long-lasting effect on the ideas and concepts of experts and common people alike.  Herbert Spencer is one of those rare individuals who contributed groundbreaking ideas during his …

Baron Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (1646-1716) was a remarkable man. During his life, he made seminal contributions to a wide variety of fields of study, including mathematics, physics, technology, philosophy, theology, philology, politics, library science, and others. Alongside Sir Isaac Newton, he is credited with the invention of calculus, in addition to statistics and binary …

Introduction The Greek polis and the Roman civitas represent some of the most distinctive forms of political and social organization in history. Yet, they are often misunderstood when examined through the lens of the modern state. Modern conceptions of the state—centralized, bureaucratic, and sovereign—emerged from the intellectual revolutions of the Renaissance and Enlightenment. Thinkers like …

Now, of course, one could argue that, just as Plato went a step too far in condemning mimesis to court, we can use digital communications in a modified fashion, exercising control and intention in what we occupy our minds with and when and why. The trick is to be always mindful of not giving free …

In this new vision, the divine arises from human willpower, guiding us across the abyss. This god is rooted in an archaic substrate beyond rationality, embodied in the pure expression of creativity—an unstoppable cosmic instinct. This divine presence shines brightest during the wild, unrestrained Dionysian festivals, outside the established order and Apollonian restraint, where blood, …

Sometimes, people are hampered by a certain intimidation factor when it comes to difficult texts. They feel that they are too uneducated, haven’t read such-and-such books that ought to come before, need the for-dummies introductory version, and need someone to hold their hand while offering them a glass of milk.

If you can read a text breezily, in a reclining position, with a cocktail in one hand, and come away with confident assurance that you have understood every single thing the author has said, then that text is probably not worth your time. It might be good as pure, time-filling entertainment, but you may as …